Dafen Oil Painting Village used to be world famous for its specialization of producing and selling large numbers of replicas of oil paintings by masters.
From copy to original works, from painter to artist, from skill to art, Dafen Oil Painting Village will realize its transformation on the strength of creation and innovation in the age of Internet Plus.
If you are a young designer with passion and dream, willing to devote yourself to city transformation and new art development, you are warmly welcome to participate in 2015 CUMULUS “Creative Dafen” Design Competition. You will have the opportunity to focus on Dafen Oil Painting Village with other designers from CUMULUS network during July to December this year, and to provide your unique thoughts and ideas for creating Dafen Community with “Creative Dafen, Artistic Life” as development concept.
We are looking forward to your amazing work in this district incubating art and dream!
Why would you want to participate in 2015 CUMULUS “Creative Dafen” Design Competition?
2015 CUMULUS “Creative Dafen” Design Competition is co-organized by CUMULUS (International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media), Tongji University and Longgang District Government of Shenzhen Municipality.
Collaborating with Tongji University, CUMULUS has organized the first “Design Inspires Humanism”: a CUMULUS International Competition for Earthquake Disaster Relief in 2009 and the second “Design Inspires Humanism” CUMULUS International Design Competition of LED Lighting Design in 2012, having attracted thousands of student designers from more than one hundred countries to join.
As the organizer of this competition, CUMULUS gathered best universities and colleges of art, design and media all over the world, so you will have opportunity to compete with the most brilliant talented young designers worldwide. Our jury is consisted of professors from CUMULUS leading design schools, professionals from design industry and directors of world famous design and innovation organizations. On awards day, organizing committee will invite directors of CUMULUS, leads of famous design and innovation collages as well as celebrated insiders from design industry to host CUMULUS Dafen Creation Salon, providing contestants a platform to interact and communicate with professionals and seek for further development opportunities.
The reward is attractive with the highest prize of RMB 30,000. All the works will be exhibited in Dafen Art Museum, Longgang, Shenzhen. In addition, you will have more opportunities to gain high recognition, visibility and media coverage etc. Moreover, Longgang District Government will provide space and other favorable terms for those entrepreneurial student teams that are willing to start up their own business in Shenzhen.
2015 CUMULUS “Creative Dafen” Design Competition will last from July to December, including Dafen International Maker Summer Camp, Dafen VI Design Competition and Dafen Art Design Competition.
Introduction to Dafen International Maker Summer Camp:
Organized by CUMULUS Lab, Dafen International Maker Summer Camp will select 50 students from creation and design colleges home and abroad to work and live with 20 Dafen companies / galleries. Students are expected to experience local industry for inspiration and to create targeted and practical works within one week. During the activity, supervisors from Design and Innovation College, Tongji University will offer all contestants with professional instruction.
1) Summer Camp: August 10th – 16th, 2015;
2) Awards Day: August 16th, 2015;
3) Exhibition: November 25th – December 31st, 2015.
Design Task:
Contestant is expected to choose one field in product design, environmental design, interaction design, animation design, video composition and micro-film to accomplish the final design according to needs of administrative organization and company as well as inspiration from real experience in Dafen Oil Painting Village. The length of animation or video should be limited to 1-5 minutes. Works of Dafen VI design and Dafen art derivatives design shall not be counted in this competition since organizing committee will offer other specialized design competitions.
Gold Award, 30,000 RMB with certificate for one contestant;
Silver Award, 10,000 RMB with certificate for three contestants each;
Bronze Award, 5,000 RMB with certificate for six contestants each;
Merit Award, certificate for 10 contestants each.
Introduction to Dafen VI Design Competition:
Call for entries of VI design of Dafen Art Community (e.g. logo design, office supplies VI, package design, etc.).
1) Call for Entries: September 1st – October 15th, 2015;
2) Awards Day: November 25th, 2015;
3) Exhibition: November 25th – December 31st, 2015.
Best Design Award, 20,000 RMB with certificate for one contestant;
Outstanding Design Award, 2,000 RMB with certificate for three contestants each.
Introduction to Dafen art derivatives design Competition:
Call for entries of art derivatives design related to Dafen Art Community.
1) Call for Entries: September 1st – October 15th, 2015;
2) Awards Day: November 25th, 2015;
3) Exhibition: November 25th – December 31st, 2015.
Gold Award, 20,000 RMB with certificate for one contestant;
Silver Award, 10,000 RMB with certificate for two contestants each;
Bronze Award, 5,000 RMB with certificate for three contestants each;
Merit Award, certificate for 40 contestants each.
• Contestants’ traveling expense coming to and leaving Shenzhen should be borne by themselves. Organizing committee will provide contestants subsidy for food and accommodation during the Summer Camp.
• The contestant will be liable for the possible tax consequences with respect to his/her personal taxation.
• By redeeming the prize the contestant will convey Longgang District Government of Shenzhen Municipality all intellectual property rights except for right of authorship.
Please email faboshenzhen(at)126.com before 24:00 July 31st, 2015 (GMT +8) for applying or more information.
Please stay tuned for coming announcements about Dafen VI Design Competition and Dafen Art Derivatives Design Competition!
CUMULUS, Longgang District Government of Shenzhen Municipality, Tongji University
Design and Innovation College, Tongji University,
Longgang Cultural Industry Development Office, Shenzhen Municipality,
Longgang Buji Subdistrict, Shenzhen Municipality,
Tongji Tiandi
Publicity Department of the Communist Party, Longgang District, Shenzhen Municipality
Longgang Education Bureau, Shenzhen Municipality
Longgang Administration Bureau, Urban Planning Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
Management Office of Dafen Oil Painting Village